Shipping to
Box Shipping

Expedited International shipping to Hong Kong


My company must send a large package from Denver, Colorado, in the United States. That package must also be delivered within a few days time. Does your company provide expedited international shipping to Hong Kong? Does your company also provide a guaranteed delivery date and / or time? This package contains items that we are returning to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. Of course, the sooner we can ship these items, the sooner we will have them returned. This is why we have selected expedited shipping. If you can collect this package from our business we will appreciate it. Do you add a charge for pickup service? What is your realistic time for delivery to Hong Kong from Denver? How much will you charge for this shipment? Those are just a few questions we have about this shipment that we would like for you to include in your information packet. Please send that packet to our included email address. This will be the quickest way for us to obtain the information you send. Thanks.