Shipping to
Box Shipping

Expedited International shipping to Cyprus


My company is located just outside of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and we are completing an order and want to have the shipping information available prior to its being ready to ship. The customer is in a rush to receive this merchandise, so we are requesting information about expedited international shipping to Cyprus from companies who have experience and available resources for this. The shipment will consist of three pallets. The cases that will be stacked on each pallet will be secured by shrink-wrap and each pallet will be loaded onto your truck or trailer by our own employees. How soon can your company schedule a pickup at our warehouse? If you require an advanced notice, how soon would that be? How much will you charge us to complete this delivery to Cyprus? Can you deliver this shipment within the next one to two weeks? If you will send your information to my email address I will promptly reply that I have received it as well as with any further questions that I may have about your shipping services. Thank you for sending this info.