I am here to ask for information about household international movers to Malta. I will be moving from my current home here in Barcelona, Spain, next month and I need the assistance of an experienced moving company who can complete this move satisfactorily. When will your company be available to work on this move? Once you have begun, how long will it take you to complete it? There are so many questions that I must ask, and I don't have much space here. So please allow me to ask only a minimum of questions for the moment. How much will you charge to move me from a two bedroom apartment and from Madrid to Malta? Is your moving fee a flat fee, or do you include accessorial charges as well? By accessorial charges, I mean to you charge extra for packing, loading, unloading, and things of that nature? Please send me a list of your charges so that I may be better prepared for when I speak with you before the moving begins. I will appreciate your sending this information to my email address. Thank you for sending this to me.